Glenn Barry
Digital Media.
Reunification: the traditional is layered onto the system of modernity. Positioning oneself is the visual key to communication.
Our DNA unite us and divide us. Living in these modern times brings legacies and concepts that may be enlightened, even answered with the right questions.
The convergence of identity meets with portrait and landscapes colliding. 2d meets 3d in the surrounding Glyphs. These represent initiation in life around the core cross symbol.
Two worlds existing as one plane or perspective.Journey shows the original organic life force meeting and emerging within the grid work of society and structure.
The introduction of borders and boundaries that are black or white upon the land we come from and return to. Mirror ask questions for consideration of who, what, where and why are we separating?
Sorry is a word and has been part of our history.... Separately they are just letters but offer more. As a collective what is next?
Technology is the frontier that has been given access for fun to be involved.The learning of rules and regulations are also reworked so we can play differently than our parents and their parents.
This is a collage of some of my artworks. Like a one-stop shop with everything, it may overwhelm and at the same time deliver everything on the list needed.